There are many interesting and fun things to see on and off the river at CB. We'll be adding new things in this space as we learn more. Please remember, GPS isn't always precise, so approach these areas with caution if you use these coordinates for navigation.
47.11858N, 120.00609W - The Bat Cave
This is one of many caves in the area, and it's the only one we've seen with a swim-in front door. Located a few miles down river from CB on the eastern shore, it's part of an interesting shoreline that extends a mile or more, across the river from Quilomene beach. We often take slow cruises along here and usually see something new or different. If you keep your eyes peeled you might spot river otters and lots of other wildlife, especially deer on the greener sections of the steep banks. We have a theory on what makes the riverside vegetation so lush in this area, but haven't confirmed it yet. We'll let you know when we find out. If you know, let us know.
While we haven't entered the cave yet, we know some people who braved it during low water levels and said it was worth exploring. BE CAREFUL if you go inside...a big wake from a passing boat might be more than you bargained for.
47.155N, 120.0089W (about 150' above the water) - Petrified Fir Tree
Embedded high up in a vertical wall of basalt, this petrified fir tree has been locked in place for millions of years. According to Bill at the Ginkgo Gem Shop, the cobbled appearance of the rock encasing the tree indicates it was standing vertical under water when this layer of lava flowed through. Slowly the tree turned into stone (called agate), but was only "recently" made visible when the ice-age floods roared through here approximately 15,000 years ago. It is believed that this particular agate is extremely strong to have resisted the forces of the floods. Click HERE to learn more about CB's unique geologic history.
47.2273N, 120.083W - Spanish Castle
We've read there was once a grand house here that became known as Spanish Castle. We've explored the area and found old concrete slabs and pieces of brick and terra-cotta on the river bottom. We've also heard there was once a gold mining operation nearby, but would like to know more. It's shallow here, so be careful.
Read more about Spanish Castle's origins HERE.
In July 2013, fire swept through the Spanish Castle area, destroying an old wooden shack and some abandoned equipment on the property. This fire was started clear up in Wenatchee and burned areas as far south as Vantage.
Location Classified - Buddha's Perch
You must find this one yourself (and maybe find yourself along the way). We found this most Zen spot on the river during the summer of 2017, not long after it's benefacttors created it. It's cool.
47.165625N, 120.0045W - The Bus
Explore this at your own risk, and tread lightly. While it appears many have been here before, and we've heard the owner is a nice guy...this is private property. We have access to many more photos of this place, but decided to leave you with some curiosity;)
47.204083N, 119.987722W - Best View In CB
The view up by the cell tower is spectacular any time of year. Approach this destination with extreme caution!
47.110972N, 120.024222W - Quilomene Beach (a.k.a. "The Sandbar")
The iconic "sandbar", of many a CB legend, this is THE place for many to hang out and party when the warm weather hits. On a big weekend this interesting piece of local geography is packed with boats and people. And since it's the subject of many YouTube and social media posts, you might want to check some of those out before taking the kids here on a busy weekend...just sayin'. Photo courtesy of Google Maps